UM is a place where current trends in Independent Band Promotion and Film/TV music placement/Licensing are discussed. We encourage Music business education and references to great indie music that needs to be heard.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Does a songwriter/artist need a publisher?

A good friend of mine who happens to be a songwriter/artist asked me this very question this morning. Does a songwriter who is an artist NEED a publisher? What role could they potentially play in my career?

1. The quick answer is that NO a songwriter artist does not NEED a publisher. If you are strictly a songwriter a publisher can be very benneficial to your career in terms of song placement, setting up co-writing sessions and making you write outside of your comfort zone.
2. Some publishers are in the business of "Artist Development." They may find a talented songwriter/artist and offer them a deal to develop them as a songwriter and an artist and in turn pitch you to their contacts at major labels etc. This can be a very cool thing...just remember that they aren't offering this for nothing. Expect to have them ask for 100% of your publishing plus a finders fee upon the execution of your record deal.
3. Another option is to form your own publishing company through ASCAP or BMI. Trust me when I say that your songs...if GREAT will speak for themselves to major labels. Keep playing out and exposing your music to a wide variety of listeners. It is hard work, but remember... a GREAT song will get a buzz! Sometimes these publishers hear your GREAT song and want a piece of the action before someone else gets it!



Anonymous singer01 said...

Nice post here. I get some idea from you post because i had a brother who is also a write/artist. We finally know that we dont need a publisher. Thank you so much!

10:46 PM


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