UM is a place where current trends in Independent Band Promotion and Film/TV music placement/Licensing are discussed. We encourage Music business education and references to great indie music that needs to be heard.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

We've Got Vision

Many of you have heard of Underground Mix and our vision for the independent music community and Film/TV Music. Briefly, our vision is to bring 10 bands (2 songs each) together every three months and press a promotional compilation (10,000 copies). Each band on the disc would then be given 1000 discs to distribute for free thus creating some great cross promotion. I had originally envisioned the bands sharing the cost of the pressing. You know, the whole “community” thing!! That cost was estimated at $850 per band. A total cost of $8500.00. This same compilation would then be pitched to Film/TV for placement.

We are keeping this vision for a compilation for cross promotion. It is key to the success of the bands and that is truly what we want. However, I understand the hesitation to participate due to the cost. UM is now going to find several corporate sponsors to fund this venture every 3 months. We are going out and gaining sponsors so that YOU gain exposure and placements in Film/TV. We believe in this vision and we believe in the music we support and represent. So…now every 3 months we will pull 10 bands from our growing pool of band/artists that we represent to be on the mass produced compilation for FREE!!!

Submit Your Music for representation by Underground Mix.

email mp3's to:

Upon musical approval from UM, bands may have up to 4 songs chosen by UM to be represented for licensing. The Criteria is that the songs have to be great or unique and must be broadcast quality. There will be an administration fee of $25 per song to burn discs, press labels and ship your music all over the country. Every three months we will then choose 10 bands with the MOST amazing songs to go on this compilation that will be sponsored by different corporate entities. It will garner some amazing exposure for the bands involved. If you know of a corporate entity that would be interested in sponsoring please let me know who to contact with our presentation.


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