UM is a place where current trends in Independent Band Promotion and Film/TV music placement/Licensing are discussed. We encourage Music business education and references to great indie music that needs to be heard.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Beyonce wrote that????

Are you confused about who wrote your songs? Do you co-write your songs with anyone? The article linked below sheds some light on the reasons why you need to establish in writing who owns what. It is so easy to "claim" you wrote something. Beyonce does!!!

Make sure that your songs are registered to your publishing entity with your PRO (Performing Rights Organization) and your writers share as well. Then register the songs with the Federal Copywrite Office. This will relieve any doubt as to who wrote what and when. The business of being creative takes time, but it will pay off in the end...literally!

I have already met with to many independent musicians who DO NOT have any of their songs registered with ASCAP or BMI to a publishing company. News can be your own publisher. Just sign up!!!

  • Beyonce Claims Songwriter Credit

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